Лучшее решение, если вы не хотите забывать.
Simple Reminder ICS доступно в Google Play Store. It is an improved version of SimpleReminder.
Simple Reminder is a remind-application for your Android phone.
Available in 3 Languages (english, german, hungarian)!!
It helps you in reminding different things which you don't want to forget.
Simple and clever.
To create a reminder, only two things need to be supplied: a subject and a date. Вот и все. It could not be quicker.
Application have wide-ranging customization options. This is where Simple Reminder is very special, because it allows you to configure your application, which can be assigned to reminders.
Notication is highly configurable. With Simple Reminder you can easily set an alert that will be repeated periodically. All of notifications you can set another alarm sound, vibrate, volume and repeat properties.
Suspend (for example, when you're on vacation) and reset the repeated reminders to yourself, but you can trust the applications, which turn on the reminder to another date.
You can backup and restore datas and settings and you can change your application skin in application options.
You can select pictures for each alarms.
Multiple screen support.
You can select a phonenumber from contactlist to call with reminder.
Remove reminder immediately with the closure of reminiscent.
Selection of images read the preset libraries contents.
Default preset time snooze in options.
Automatically set 24/12 hour displaying.
You can choose which closed reminder would you like to delete.
If you want to transfer a reminder to another day you can chosse it from the calandar view.
It can be given as to which day is the first day of the week.
You can set delay of reminder on landscape screen too.
Reminder templates management.
Voice memo.
Home Screen Widget for Voice Memo.
Snooze button (You can turn on in Settings)
When launches an alarm you can mute the notification sound with volume up, down button or "Play" button of voice-memo.
Лучшее решение, если вы не хотите забывать.
Некоторые исправления ошибок.
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